SNMP Trap notification

SNMP Trap notification


When the Vutlan monitoring device detects an error or a change, the device will send a notification to one or more trap receivers onto a specified IP address. Traps are only sent using logic schemes or group notifications. For example, if a logic scheme is activated, the trap will be sent to a trap receiver.

All Vutlan monitoring systems support SNMP Trap.

There's no direct limit of SNMP Trap elements in the system.

But there's a limit for overall elements in the system. Please use the table from "Comparison chart: Master modules", "Comparison chart: PDUs", horizontal field "Max. the amount of elements:".

How to create an SNMP Trap

To create a notification via SNMP trap you have to specify the following parameters:






The name of the element in the system

SNMP server

Name or SNMP server IP address (

SNMP port

SNMP port (usually 162).


Version (v1, v2c or v3)


Community name (public)

USM user

User name for protocol v3

Security level

Security level for protocol v3, mobile version.

"noauth" - no authorization, only user name needed;

"auth" - with authorization, need to fill in "Auth algorithm" and "Auth password";

"priv" - with authorization and data encryption, need to fill in "Auth algorithm", "Auth password", "Private algorithm" and "Private password";

Auth algorithm

the algorithm of authorization for protocol v3 with security level "priv" and "auth".

Auth password

the password of authorization for protocol v3 with security level "priv" and "auth".

Private algorithm

the algorithm of authorization for protocol v3 with security level "priv".

A private password

the password of authorization for protocol v3 with security level "priv".


Example: SNMP Trap content

Name: . Value: [Integer] 602001 Name: . Value: [OctetString] Trap (name: 00011111, ID: 602001) was worked. Time: 12:00:51 2016/10/31 Logic: '4444', Element: 'Onboard Temperature', in state: 'low alarm', value: '27.80' Name: . Value: [OctetString] 12:00:51 2016/10/31 Name: . Value: [OctetString] 4444 Name: . Value: [OctetString] Onboard Temperature Name: . Value: [OctetString] low alarm Name: . Value: [OctetString] 27.80 Name: . Value: [Integer] 201001

Frequently asked questions





Do I need to configure the SNMP trap for each sensor?

You can configure an individual SNMP trap for separate sensors.

But it is best to `Group` of sensors. See the links below:

Using Group notifications

Creating groups of elements

Managing groups of monitoring objects


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