Creating floor map plan

Creating floor map plan



The map panel allows uploading picture floor maps for multiple floors, rooms, or racks, placing live sensors by dragging and dropping them in place, and drawing vector graphics elements for additional information (e.g. how the leaked cable is laid out).

There are no direct restrictions on the number of sensors on the map, it will depend on the performance of the PC on which the browser is running.

Upload a floor map

If you upload a picture but Vutlan Web UI does not show it:

Some JPG file formats may have a different code structure behind it. For example, WEBP is also a JPEG/JPG but slightly optimized for browsers. In many instances renaming WEBP to JPEG works fine. But this is not the correct way to convert it.

Try the following: Open any graphic editor >> open your JPEG file >> SAVE AS >> JPEG or PNG file. This will convert it to the correct code format.

This is a typical graphic designer issue.

Image map size has no restrictions.

If a large image is downloaded, it is scaled to the size of the screen area for the map. The full-screen option for a map is not available.

To upload a map or plan, go to "Main menu" >> "Map", click on the settings icon "  " >> "New map" >> "Choose File" >> press "OK".

To add/remove elements to the map/plan, press "  "  >> Select the elements you need to be displayed on the map >> press "OK". Move elements to the desired location.

Place sensors and devices on a floor map

  1. Press an icon

Vutlan Web UI GUI Interface for monitoring sensors controlling devices (place sensor drag and drop on a floor map data center).png


Create multiple floor maps

Open Map panel.

  1. Press a “Map” icon at the top right corner to open floor map edit options.

  2. Create a new floor level by pressing “Plus” or edit the current level by pressing on the level.

  3. Now you can upload a new picture to use as a background for your floor map.



Now you can easily switch between floors


Use vector graphics to draw additional elements on a map

For example, you can use a vector line (Draw Polyline tool) to draw the ‘WLC / leak cable sensor’ on the floor map according to how it is laid out. See the blue line in the picture below.

Vutlan Web UI GUI Interface for monitoring sensors controlling devices (raised floor data center map leak temperature vector).png


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