Creating a PING element

Creating a PING element


Ping is a utility used to test the reachability of a host network. In the absence of connection ping registers from a normal state to a state of alarm. After you restore the connection - Ping registers back to a normal state. 

For example, find out if the server, IP camera, or any other IP device is working.

All Vutlan monitoring systems support PING element.

How to create a PING element

To create a "ping" utility, press add button "  " inside the "Group tree" or "System tree" menu. Then choose "Ping". A modal window will appear.




User-define ping element name. You can change it to anything you want.


System ID of the element. Will be defined once the element is saved.


Element type `ping` is defined by the system.


Class type `devirt` is defined by the system.

Current state

Normal if the ping is successful. Alarm if `ping` is unsuccessful.

Current value

Measured in milliseconds.

Server to ping

Server to ping can be in the form of a string (E,g, google.com) or an actual IP address.

Ping period (seconds)

Ping repetition period.

"Ping period" has to be no less than 5 seconds. Tt least 5 seconds so that the system is not overflooded with pings.

Estimated round-trip (seconds)

The time is given to wait for a response from the server.

IP address

Received the actual server address,

Packets sent

The number of packets was sent.

Packets received

The number of packets received.


If You receive the message: "Unable to update element data!", check that the "Ping Period" is no less than 5 seconds. Or try cleaning the Browser's cache and reloading the page with the system interface.


Specify the server address, ping period, and the estimated round-trip time between sending a request and receiving a response and press "OK".

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