Using group notifications

Using group notifications

To exclude many logic schemes it is possible to use "Group" settings for many sensors in the group. For that, You need to group elements using "State" status and if it changes then there will be a notification (SMS, e-mail).

For example, we have 32 dry input contacts. If any of the contacts change state to "Alarm", then there should be a notification message.

Set up the sensors as You need.


Now let's create an E-Mail notification, which uses macroses. Macros %5, %6, %7  will automatically output activated sensor data. Macros %8 will output the ID of the activated sensor.


Next, we create a group and put our sensors in it:


Next, we put a "tick" next to the "State" thresholds that we need to use and we drag the notifications that should be used (E-Mail in our current example) to the right field. "High alarm" is an alias for the "Alarm" state.

It also provides buttons for temporarily enabling and disabling all available notifications for this group at once.


Now if any of the dry inputs shall go into the "Alarm" state that we chose, we shall receive an E-Mail notification that displays: the time, name of the sensor, its state, and its value. Like this:

System time 14:45:36 2020/06/09: 'vt440-0267-dry-02' (id '101006') in state 'alarm' with value '0'


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