Upgrade and restore options

Upgrade and restore options

Before updating the device, please save the settings. Please read: Saving settings & reservation of settings

The appliance has the possibility to update or restore software.

You can update software via HTTP or using a USB flash drive.

You can view the current firmware version on the panel "Overall Stats-> About system" or on the panel "System Menu->About".

Restoring via USB can be done using a special recovery application.

The update process is displayed on the front panel with flashing LED "ERR". If successful, the "ERR" LED goes off, and the "ACT" LED blinks for a while with increased frequency. If unsuccessful "ERR" LED remains lit.

Attention! Some configurations may be lost (logic schemes, sensor data, and parameters) when updating or restoring the system. Please read the notes of your update to know the specifics. Currently, it is not possible to save changes, please make notes or screenshots of your configurations. Example: When updating from version 2.2.X to 2.4.X logic schemes and sensor parameters are lost.


Attention!  After updating the software clear browser history (cache).  Otherwise, the web interface may have problems  associated with previous  versions of files stored in cache on the device.

To clear browser history in Mozilla Firefox follow:  Tools->Clear Recent History

To clear browser history in Google Chrome follow: Settings->History->Clear All Browsing data

To clear browser history in other browsers see the browser help section.

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