Notifications via SMS

Notifications via SMS


Vutlan monitoring unit can send SMS alert messages containing detailed information about the triggered element or sensor and the event. An LTE extension slot modem VT740 is required to send SMS notifications.

How to configure the SMS element

When creating an SMS notification, a "test" button is used for testing if an SMS is going through. When doing so, the multiple macros in the SMS text will be filled with values for testing purposes only.

To check if the multiple macros are working in SMS notification, You need to trigger the logic that triggers the SMS notification.

You can only send an SMS if you have a modem installed inside the unit. Connecting a modem.

  1. To create an SMS notification go to the "System tree" menu >> Press the "+" icon at the top right corner. You will see the following modal window:

2. Click on the "SMS" element.

3. To create a notification via SMS you have to specify the following parameters:






The name of the element in the system

Phone number

Phone number of the receiver (+421908315000), up to 10 numbers.

Please use international phone numbers, e.g. +421XXXXXXXXXX

For multiple phone numbers use "space", ";" or ",".

Example 1: +421908315000 +421908315001 +421908315002

Example 2: +421908315000,+421908315001,+421908315002

Example 3: +421908315000;+421908315001;+421908315002


May contain Macros. Learn more about Macros at: Macros in the notification text


Example with full info (Maybe too big for an SMS), advised using a shorter version:

Logic name:\n



Logic triggered at:\n



Logic triggered by:\n

%5, %8\n

State: %6\n

Value: %7\n


Logic scheme description:\n



All sensor states on the moment when logic was triggered:\n




Attention!  For SMS to display the correct time, make sure you have set the correct time zone in "Preferences" >> "Network" before sending the SMS.  The time zone has to be the same as the time zone of your browser (Operating system). See section "Setting up the time".

Frequently asked questions





Can I send double-byte character sets, such as Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, in the SMS?

Yes, double-byte character sets are supported by Vutlan systems.


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