Incoming SMS forwarding and SMS commands

Incoming SMS forwarding and SMS commands


This function allows you to receive SMS and send their content forward to other phone numbers or to email.

The settings for incoming SMS are on the "SMS messages" page in the "Incoming" tab. Here are the SMS forwarding and SMS command settings.

On the right side of the page, a list of all incoming SMS is displayed.

List of allowed phone numbers - allows you to set a list of phone numbers from which you can take incoming SMS for processing;

Allow command processing - enable the incoming SMS commands, only command is processed from allowed phone numbers, see below;

Forward SMS to Email - enable the incoming SMS forwarding to adjusted email addresses, setup the SMTP server settings in Preferences → SMTP tab;

  • Only for allowed phone numbers - forwarding to email only for allowed phone numbers;

  • List of email addresses and usernames - allows you to set a list of email and usernames to which the text of the incoming SMS will be sent;

Forward SMS to phone number - enable the incoming SMS forwarding to adjusted phone numbers;

  • Only for allowed phone numbers - forwarding to phone only for allowed phone numbers;

  • List of phones and usernames - allows you to set a list of phone numbers and usernames to which the text of the incoming SMS will be sent.

SMS commands

SMS commands are used for remote management by the monitoring system. Using these commands, you can read the system status, the status, and the measured value of individual sensors and a group of sensors, as well as control the relay switches (outlets). The phone numbers from which the remote control will be made must be added to the list of allowed numbers in the modem parameters editing window (Main menu → SMS messages → List of allowed phone numbers).


To separate phone numbers, use a space. The number must start with "+". Up to 10 phone numbers are possible (100 for VT9xx systems).

In response to each SMS command, an SMS response message arrives, in case of an erroneous command, an SMS with an error description and an example of the command comes. In one SMS message, there can be only one command for one element.

System, sensor, relays (outlets) status reading commands

Syntax. get [ID] or get [name], where ID is the "ID" number of the element, and "name" is the name of the element. The get field is not case sensitive, you can use Get, GET. The name field is case-sensitive and must be enclosed in quotes. Also, the name of the requested sensor must be unique, otherwise, the answer may be incorrect.

Description. The command requests the status of the sensor or relay (sockets) and sends a response SMS to the phone from which the command came, describing the status of the sensor.


get system - get information about the system. The response contains the system device type, firmware version, system state, IP address, etc. Responses look like this:

get system
System: VT335 Firmware: 2.7.4 b570 State: normal Hostname: monitoring_unit_1 IP:


get [group name or ID] - get information about the group of sensors. The response contains a description of the group and a brief description of all the modules and sensors in the group. Responses look like this:

get group
Group: test group [3001] State: normal Description: here if available Analog-4[102001] normal 0 Onboard Temperature[201001] normal 30.20 C Onboard Voltage DC[203001] normal 12.21 V



If there are many sensors in the group, the answer may be too large.


get [sensor name or ID] - get information about the sensor. Responses look like this:

get element
Element: Temperature-1 [201003] State: normal Value: 27.5 C


Commands for setting the status of the relay (sockets)

Syntax. set [ID] [state] or set [name] [state], where ID - is the "ID" number of the element, "name" is the name of the element, "state" is the state to which you want to switch.  The set and state fields are not case-sensitive. The name field is case-sensitive. The state field takes one of the following states: on - enable, off - disable.

Description. The command will switch the relay or socket under the state parameter and send the reply SMS to the phone from which the command came, about the result of the command.


  • set '302001' on - turn on relay number 302001;

  • set 'Outlet-1' on - turn on relay Outlet-1;

  • set '302002' off - turn off relay number 302002;

  • set 'Outlet-2' off - turn off relay Outlet-2.

Response. In this case, the response message looks like this: The element (element name) was switched on or The element (element name) was switched off.

Relay (Socket) pulse setting commands

Syntax. set [ID]  pulse {duration} or set [name] pulse {duration}, where ID is the "ID" number of the element, "name" is the name of the element, duration is the delay time in seconds. The name field is case-sensitive. The value range of the duration field is from 1 to 120. The duration field does not need to be specified, the previously set value is applied.

Description. The command switches the status of the relay (sockets) to the opposite one twice, with the time delay specified as the duration parameter in seconds.


  • set '302003' pulse 15 - the impulse to the relay number 302003 with a delay of 15 seconds;

  • set 'Relay-1' pulse 110 - the impulse to the relay named Relay-1 with a delay of 110 seconds; 

  • set 'Outlet-2' pulse - sending a pulse to an outlet with the name Outlet-2 with a previously set delay. 

Response. In this case the response message looks like this: The element (element name) was switched.

Logic control commands (logic)

Syntax. logic [id] [state] {duration},  logic * [state], where ID – the "Logic number" of the logic (the symbol '*' for all logics), state - the state into which the logic goes ("off", "on"), duration - the time of logic shutdown in seconds. All fields are case-insensitive.

Description. Commands disable or enable logic. The duration is indicated only when one logic is disabled. 


  • logic 1 off 10 - disabling logic with the number 1 for 10 seconds;

  • logic 1 on - the inclusion of logic with the number 1;

  • logic * off - disabling all logic for 24 hours;

  • logic * on - including all logic.

Response. In this case, the response message looks like this: OK.

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