Math element for recognizing digital state

Math element for recognizing digital state

Some units have a special SNMP data OID that codes a system state by an integer number. Let’s try to read this code by SNMP GET, recognize this code, and send a special message to the user.

You can recognize code using the SNMP GET (discrete), but if there are many codes (more than 9), then the string comparison will not work. Because comparison with a string "1" will also make coincidences with the strings "10", "11", "21", etc.

Choose another way. Create SNMP GET (analog) element for reading code state from the remote unit. Set the value for the thresholds so that the codes are set into the normal range (just not distracted).

Create a "Math" virtual sensor for catch state number 7. Set the thresholds so that only the value of 0 matches into normal state (Low warning level = -0.5, High warning level = 0.5). The rest thresholds will remain as it is.

Set the sources for the math sensor. Variable "A" is our SNMP GET "State Code Get" element, for catch state 7, we may subtract 7 from it.

In addition, create some Math sensors for other needed states. And combine them in the group.

Create a notification, email for example. Use macro in a text message for sending proper information. Here 216001 is the aid of the SNMP GET sensor (State Code Get). We read his value and the name of the element that fetches to send a message. 

Add this email to the “Group notification” for the state "Normal".

Now we have a group of elements each of which corresponds to the state when its value is 0 (state "Normal").

And when the state of any element becomes "Normal", the notification of such content is sent:

Notification message example

State Code Get: '7.000'
Element: 'State 7 - Running'


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