Notification via E-mail

Notification via E-mail



E-mail notifications can be used to send e-mails in case an event has been triggered, for example, a temperature rise.

How to create a notification via E-mail

To create a notification via e-mail you have to specify the following parameters:

  1. Go to "System tree menu" >> Press the "+" icon at the top right corner. You will see the following modal window:

2. Click on the "E-mail" element.






The name of the element in the system

SMTP server

Name or SMTP server IP address (smtp.gmail.com)

SMTP port

SMTP server on the correct port number. (e.g. 25, 465, 587, or other )

Permit TLS

When TLS SMTP is enabled, the session is opened within the encrypted connection (typical port 465)


When STARTTLS is enabled, the encrypted connection is opened within the SMTP session (typical port 587, but can be 25, 2525, or another)

Enable SSL

Enable or disable

Login, password

SMTP server username and password

Mail from

Sender's e-mail address (sky25test@gmail.com)

Mail to

Recipient's e-mail address (sky25test@gmail.com). Up to 10 addresses.

For multiple e-mail addresses use "space", ";" or ",".

Example 1: test@gmail.com, test2@gmail.com

Example 2: test@gmail.com test2@gmail.com

Example 3: test@gmail.com; test2@gmail.com

Attention! Multiple recipients are separated by space, comma, or semicolon, up to 10 recipients in the field "To"

Message subject

The custom subject field of an e-mail message, if left blank, the field is automatically generated. 
The system automatically adds service information to the top of the email subject. If you want to strictly set the subject text, then enter it into brackets, for example: [Strict subject text]


The text of the message contains information about the event in the system. Can contain macros - the characteristics of the system, calculated at the time of operation. Learn more about Macros at Macros in the notification text

The default code block is:

Logic name:\n%4\n--\nLogic triggered at:\n%3\n--\nLogic triggered by: %5, %8\nState: %6\nValue: %7\n--\nLogic scheme description:\n%1\n--\nAll sensor states on the moment when logic was triggered:\n%2\n--\n


Logic name:\n



Logic triggered at:\n



Logic triggered by:\n

%5, %8\n

State: %6\n

Value: %7\n


Logic scheme description:\n



All sensor states on the moment when logic was triggered:\n




Contact your mail administrator for assistance with configuring SMTP parameters or the help section of your e-mail provider.

The message subject is automatically generated and contains the device type (for example VT825), the name of the device (determined by the field in the Preferences-> Network-> Hostname menu), the name of the letter (defined by the Name field when writing the message), and the notification type (video notification). If the device name in the Preferences-> Network-> Hostname field is left by default (ie hostname), then instead of the name, the device's IP address is used. Thus, the topic of the letter usually looks like this:

VT825-control_unit_A12 'Simple Mail' notice

VT825- 'Alarm' video notification

Recommended settings for gmail.com

SMTP server


SMTP port


Enable TLS





Your login with domain@gmail.com


Your password

Mail from address

Your mail address

Mail to address

Recipient mail address, if using several addresses (up to 10), they can be separated by a space, comma, or semicolon


Please make sure that the "Allow less secure apps" setting is turned ON in your Gmail account settings: My Account -> Sign-in & security -> Apps with account access -> Allow less secure apps: ON.

The use of the services SMTP relay

If you have problems sending emails through public mail servers, you can use the services of free SMTP relay services. Difficulty sending emails can happen, for example, because of the rigid safety policies of some providers of services of mail (deny access for embedded browsers), or in case of accidental contact addresses in Your spam filters. When using an SMTP relay, outgoing mail is sent through an intermediate, trusted server, thus removing uncertainty about security for the mail service provider.

Example of setting up for Mailjet service. Register in the service, log in to your account in My account → SMTP, and SEND API Settings. This page displays the SMTP server configuration that you need to configure in the settings of the Vutlan unit mail message.

SMTP server

Use the line from the "SMTP SERVER" field"

SMTP port

587 or 465

Enable TLS





Use the string from the field "USERNAME (API KEY)"


Use the string from the "PASSWORD (SECRET KEY)" field)"

Mail from address

Your postal address used in Mailjet

Mail to address

Recipient mail address, if using several addresses (up to 10), they can be separated by a space, comma, or semicolon


Please make sure that the "Allow less secure apps" setting is turned ON in your Gmail account settings: My Account -> Sign-in & security -> Apps with account access -> Allow less secure apps: ON.

If you use any other email service, make sure that your account is allowed to log in to third-party applications.


Using Google 2-Step Verification

Google has closed access to the e-mail service using a common login and password for third-party applications.
To continue using the mail service, you need to enable 2-step verification for your Google account: Turn on 2-Step Verification.
Then you need to generate a password for the mail application: Sign in with App Passwords.

This password must be used in the "Password" field for email notifications or SMTP settings.

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