Continuous system status message

Continuous system status message

The System element that reflects the state of the system has a special identifier with a fixed value of ID = 100. The state of this element depends on the state of such elements: 'Analog' sensors, 'Discrete' sensors, and 'Dry-type' inputs, including virtual sensors and sensors on the CAN bus. 'Relay', 'Outlets', and other outputs do not affect the state of the system. Sensors in the 'unknown' and 'not connected' states are also ignored. The System state can be 'normal', 'warning', or 'alarm'.

The state of the element System is calculated as follows:

  • 'alarm' state - if at least one element is in the 'Low alarm' or 'High alarm' state;

  • 'warning' state - if at least one element is in the 'Low warning' or 'High warning' state and there are no elements in the 'Low alarm' or 'High alarm' state;

  • 'normal' state - if all elements are in the 'Normal' state.

The System element allows you to monitor the overall system status without individually checking each sensor.

Option 1. Create an SMS notification to send the system state and some additional information. To display the System state, you can use the macro ID 100, as described in Creating notifications and How to use macros in the text of a notification.

Create logic for handling the 'alarm' state. Messages will be sent immediately when an alarm occurs.

Create logic for periodically sending messages in the 'normal' state. Messages will be sent within a period of 15 minutes (the 'Repeat' field) if the system has been continuously in the 'normal' state for at least 5 minutes (the 'Timeout' field).

Option 2. For example, if you need to periodically send a message regardless of the state of the system, then you can do this. Create a trigger - it will work as enable/disable of sending periodic messages. The trigger is normal by default then the system is started.

Create a logical scheme to send a message every 2 hours when a trigger is normal.


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