List of log error messages (problems mistakes bugs)

List of log error messages (problems mistakes bugs)

The page lists common errors that appear in the logs of the systems.

Page contents:


Modem errors:









+CMS ERROR: (Unassigned (unallocated) number


The destination requested by the modem (SMS) cannot be reached because, although the number is in a valid format, it is not currently assigned. E.g. the number does not exist or the number is not operational.

  • Check the phone number.

  • Check the facility on the receiving side.

Repeating every few hours:

LTE service: connection failed

LTE service: connection established

LTE service: connection failed

LTE service: connection established


Perhaps the provider disables the inactivity connection or makes a sanitary reset every few hours.

This is a common practice among providers, nothing can be done here. The connection is restored automatically after the session is closed.

GSM modem: Error, check your SIM card and PIN code


No SIM card is installed. Wrong PIN.

  • Check the position of the SIM card in the holder.

  • Check the PIN settings.

‘+CMS ERROR: 8’ - Operator determined barring


Operator has blocked the SMS. The cause is unknown.

  1. Try to register the device using IMEI number.

  2. Try entering the manual SMS center number, it is sometimes not automatically defined.

  3. Contact the operator and ask why.

SMS sending was failed: ‘+CMS ERROR: 21 (Short message transfer rejected)'

SMS alerts are being delayed by about 30 minutes.


Try to set the “SMS center number“manually.
If the operator has more then one number - try them all.

‘+CMS ERROR: 28’ - (Unidentified subscriber)


This cause indicates that the subscriber is not registered in the PLMN (i.e. IMSI not known).


Network problems with the GSM provider. GSM jammers. The modem antenna is faulty, and contact with the SIM card disappears. There is bad contact with the modem. Or this instance of the modem is unstable.

The modem is a standalone device and works independently. Its firmware is created by the manufacturer (Semtech).
We do not modify or update the modem firmware. Vutlan firmware updates do not affect the modem.

+CMS ERROR:29 (facility rejected)


The service requested by the modem is not supported by the mobile network.

  • Check if the “SMS center number“ is written correctly.

  • Write the SMS center number manually (Main menu >> SMS messages >> SMS center number).

Setting up a GSM modem

  • Try to use another SIM card.

  • Try the card from another working modem.

  • Try sending a message to this modem.

+CMS ERROR: 69 (Requested facility not implemented)


  • Usually, this means an error in the number of the SMS center

+CMS ERROR: 97 (Message type non-existent or not implemented)


This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a message with a message type it does not recognize either because this is a message not defined or defined but not implemented by the equipment sending this cause.

Try to set up the SMS center number manually.

LTE service: connection cannot be established


After 5 attempts, the system failed to connect to the specified APN.

Check the LTE settings and GSM network.

Update the firmware to the latest version.

+CMS ERROR: 500 (unknown error)


  1. the modem is not registered on the network.

  2. not enough funds to send a message.

  3. network is experiencing overload and cannot send a message at the moment.

  4. incorrect service center number or subscriber number set.

  5. The antenna cable is bent.

  1. Check modem signal level.

  2. Check that the antenna cable is connected inside the unit and outside the unit.

  3. Check service center number is written correctly.

  4. Set manually the SMS Center number.

  5. Try another SIM card

'+CMS ERROR: 2172' - State not allowed


  1. The signal is weak, which will cause this error to be reported.

  2. SIM card does not support equipment (2G for VT700 modem) and is unable to communicate with the operator.


  2. The SIM card does not support 2G. Use a SIM card with a different tariff.

‘+CMS ERROR: 2174’ - SMS sending failed


  1. The antenna cable may have disconnected from the modem due to transportation.

  2. The SMS center number is not autodetected.

  1. Open the metal case and reconnect the SMA cable from the antenna to the modem, make sure you connect it to the correct plug.

  2. Write the SMS center number manually (Main menu >> SMS messages >> SMS center number). Setting up a GSM modem


System errors:

Error message



Error message



Service 'serialdevd' is broken. The service will be restarted

  1. Serious error without context. Unknown context. The service “serialdevd“detects devices such as a modem, extension boards RS485 and 1-Wire.

  2. Possibly a memory error during the firmware update.

  3. Possibly a USB bus hardware corruption.

  1. Check the firmware and kernel version.

  2. Try reprogramming the device (Kernel and WebUI). Restore of appliance (for VT335S, VT805, VT604, VT608, VT825)

Restore of appliance

Attention! The Nginx server runs in safe mode. Check your network and IP camera settings.

This message is generated when nginx fails (this restarts the server).

If the message is repeated - try to restore the device firmware, there may have been a failure with the previous update (for example, reset the power too early).
Latest Vutlan drivers for T series (VT225t, VT335t, VT336t, VT604t, VT608t, VT825t, VT855t)
Restore of appliance


Mail errors:

Error message



Error message



Send mail 'mailName' error: curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 25: No route to host

  1. non-existing address or name specified in the SMTP server field

  2. You are using an outdated firmware driver, which had bugs.

Check the availability of the specified host.

Send mail 'mailName' error: curl: (6) Couldn't resolve host 'mail.smtp.com'

  1. non-existing address or name specified in the SMTP server field

  2. You are using an outdated firmware driver, which had bugs.

  • Check the DNS network settings.

  • Check the availability of the specified host.

Send mail ‘mailName’ error: curl: (67) Error, check your login and password

  1. Login or password is incorrect.

  2. Google has recently closed access to its mail services for third-party programs in many countries (posted 24th June 2022).

  1. Check login and password.

  2. If it will not help, the SMTP relay may be used: Notification via E-mail

Send mail ‘mailName’ error: curl: (35) error: 140770FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol

  1. Probably TLS version error. Version 1.3 is not supported by Vutlan units with 300 architecture (e.g. VT825).

  1. Check supported versions: 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 only.

  2. Try to disable “v1.0, v1.1“ TLS: Network settings

Log errors:

Error message



Error message



error: Error creating log archive

  1. This is a system bug.

The issue has been resolved in the latest system drivers. Please update the system to the latest driver version.

1.Upgrade and restore options

if you are unable to update the system by the above method, you can try Restore of appliance (for VT335S, VT805, VT604, VT608, VT825) .

Camera errors:

Error message



Error message



Service 'camerasd' is broken. The service will be restarted

  1. This is a system bug.

Please update your system to the latest driver.

Drivers and recovery tools


Browser errors:

Error message



Error message




  1. TLS support is disabled inside the browser when using HTTPS to access the Vutlan monitoring unit over the IP

  1. Enable TLS support inside your browser.

  2. Select another TLS version on the Vutlan monitoring unit: Preferences → Network → “Enable TLS” checkboxes. Use the 1.2 or 1.3 version.


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