Sending SMS via internet gateway

Sending SMS via internet gateway

Any Vutlan system may use SMS internet gateway.

These elements have the class "notifier" and the type "web sms".

The following queries are used for management:

addhttprequest - create or edit notifications via SMS gateway. Extra options are:

  • k - user session ID;
  • id - the notification identifier; if there is no identifier, a new notification is created, otherwise the existing one is edited;
  • name - the name of the notification, the length is not more than 63 characters;
  • type - type of message, is required only when creating a new one, "web sms";
  • login - the user's login on the SMS gateway service;
  • password - the user password on the SMS gateway service;
  • to - number of the recipient, fill in according to the gateway API;
  • message - message text template, the length is not more than 1023 characters;
  • newline - newline separator: "unix" for %0A coding, "win" for %0D%0A coding;
  • apicmd - command line, is filled in according to the gateway API, urlencode is required for the string.

The login, password, to, message fields can be empty. If a new element is successfully created, the response contains the element identifier, and looks like:

<error type="no error" id="606001" />

When creating a new notification (id is not specified), the parameters type, name and apicmd are mandatory. When changing, only modifiable parameters can be specified. Empty parameters delete the previous value.

delhttprequest - delete notification via SMS gateway. Required parameters are:

  • k - user session ID;
  • id - the notification identifier.

getelement - read the element. Required parameters are:

  • k - user session ID;
  • id - element ID;

The response contains information about the element:

<element id="605007" module="2010" num="11" clas="notifier" type="web sms" name="web msg 605007" state="normal" value="-" view="0" to="89651234578" message="well done %3" newline="win" login="user100" password="123456789" apicmd="https://lcab.smsintel.ru/lcabApi/sendSms.php?login=$LOGIN$&password=$PASSWORD_MD5$&txt=$MESSAGE$&to=$PHONES$" status="No answer from server" />

The status field specifies the server's response after the last transaction or an error message. The status, login, password, to, message fields can be empty or absent.

testmessage - sending test notification via SMS gateway, without creating an element. Extra options are:

  • k - user session ID;
  • type - type of the message, "web sms";
  • login - the user's login on the SMS gateway service;
  • password - the user's password on the SMS gateway service;
  • to - number of the recipient, fill in according to the gateway API;
  • message - message text template, the length is not more than 1023 characters;
  • newline - newline separator: "unix" for %0A coding, "win" for %0D%0A coding;
  • apicmd - command line, is filled in according to the gateway API, urlencode is required for the string.

The login, password, to, message fields can be empty.

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