Sensors dump files

Sensors dump files

It is possible to save the per-second (or more infrequently) samples of analog and discrete sensors in the archive. To do this, enable the function by setting the “Enable detailed logging” flag, in the required tab window. In the tab “Sensors”, select the sensors that you want to monitor. You can select “up to 30 sensors”. “The sampling rate” allows you to select the recording frequency of sensor data.

These settings have an effect on all log save modes that have the Enable detailed logging flag.

Sensor dump files are saved SD or USB flash drive.

To write files to the root directory where the log directory is located, a directory named sensors is created, within which directories are created with the name corresponding to the identifier of the monitored sensor (201001, 101004, etc.). The files are named based on their creation time, like 2016.11.17_16-37-43.201001.csv. The filename extension includes the sensor ID. The files are written in plain text tabular CSV format.

The per-second dump file is filled periodically (a group of samples every 30 seconds) and reflects the count time (in readable form and in Unix Time Stamp format) and the sensor value (in float format with an accuracy of 3 decimal places). In the absence of the sensor, the directory and file are not created or filled. In a program that supports CSV format, the table looks like this:


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