USB camera settings. How to save a video

USB camera settings. How to save a video


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A list of supported USB cameras

The following dome USB camera can be purchased: USB100 / USB Dome Camera.  This camera's features include 720P HD, Dome, USB, IR Camera 2.0&1.1 UVC, 1.0 megapixel, Cable length 5m.


Support the USB webcams of the UVC standard with support for hardware compression in MJPEG. The USB element of the webcam is automatically created in the "System tree" and then the camera is connected to the USB port.

USB camera support supported resolution 160x120, 320x240, 640x480;

We advise using Logitech USB cameras. In general, most of their USB desktop cameras work well with Vutlan systems. 

All Vutlan units support x1 USB cameras except VT960i. VT960i supports x2 USB cameras.


Camera control is possible with the permission of "cameras" in the profile of the current user.

Access to the video stream is possible with the login and password if they are specified by the user.

By clicking on the "USB Web camera" element in the "System tree", you will see a modal window:

The following data and settings are available here:

  • Name - the name of the USB camera element, the length is not more than 63 characters;

  • Username - username, for secure access to the camera with a login and password, maybe empty;

  • Password - The password, for secure access to the camera with a login and password, maybe empty;

  • Recommended FPS - the preferred number of frames per second when outputting images to the web interface;

  • Resolution - for USB camera support 160x120, 320x240, 640x480;

  • Preview - actual camera live stream.

If the "Username" or "Password" field is empty, then access to the camera will be not secured. If the username and password are set, then access to the camera's live stream is possible in this form: http://<username>:<password>@

The "Cameras" page displays live streams of all available cameras: USB, IP, and others supported. Clicking on the USB camera will see a window, where "URL" shows the full path to direct access to the live stream.


How to save a video

You can save video clips from a connected USB webcam to external media (SD card or USB flash memory) and send them to e-mail.

To do this, first users need to connect to the unit and configure the resolution of the USB Web camera. Setting "FPS Recommended"  is not used! The video is created with a frame rate of 2 FPS, and the fragment duration is 10 seconds (20 frames).


Then you need to configure the system log saving, in tabs Preferences→Logging. Here in the tabs on the desired media (SD Card, USB Flash Drive, Mail Log), you must specify that you want to save the video clips. To do this, select the checkbox in the field Enable logging (this will allow saving to this media) and check box in the field Save video files (see. Saving system logs to SD card, Saving system logs on USB flash drive). Video files have the same General rules for deleting obsolete files as all log files.


The video files are saved in the video subdirectory, under the names corresponding to the time of their shooting, for example, 2018.03.17_16-37-43.avi. When sending video clips to e-mail, the files will be sent as attachments to the e-mail. You can specify up to 10 recipients for sending e-mails.


After that, you need to create the logic that will start the recording of the video clip (see. Adding logic schemes). In this example, when the motion sensor is triggered, a video recording will be started.


You can also capture a video clip through the SNMP SET request. To do this, write the string value "1" (without the quotes) by the OID identifier: .

How to open a saved video

If previously you activated an SD card logging, your video will be saved to an SD card.

Preferences panel” >> “Logging” >> “SD Card” >> Content of the SD card >> “Open

Preferences panel logging SD card web interface UI saved video by Vutlan.png


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