Browser cache

Browser cache

Sometimes some data, graphs, icons, or other information may be displayed incorrectly inside the Vutlan web interface. In such cases, the browser cache for this page has to be cleaned. Some of the cache data is interfering with new data.

This may occur if:

  1. You have updated the system with a new driver.

  2. You have been accessing the Web UI of different systems with the same IP address.

  3. other.

Example of a problem, where the graphs are not displayed correctly:



Example of the same page with browser cache cleaned for this page:



Method 1

This method is preferable because it cleans the cache of only one page.

A simple renewal of the page in browsers by “F5” or “Ctrl+R” is often not enough.

There is a full reload of the page contents: press CTRL+SHIFT+R

Method 2

This method is not preferable, because it cleans the cache of all pages visited by the browser.

Firefox >> History >> Clear recent history >> Choose settings >> Clear

Chrome >> Settings >> Clear browsing data >> Choose settings >> Clear


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