Latest Vutlan drivers for VT960i & VT960ii series
Version: 4.2.2-b130
Date of release: 29.01.2025
List of latest drivers for the A40i processor by version for VT960i & VT960ii units.
Macro %9 expanded to Ping;
Support for a new dust particle sensor;
Picking up the log of the previous session from media (SD card, USB flash);
Changed CSV format in sensor value dump file in Charts → Export data → CSV;
A unique SNMPv3 Engine ID based on the MAC;
Additional hardware reset of the LTE modem in case of prolonged network loss;
Software shutdown the system;
Possibility to interrupt LTE when dialing a number;
Pulse control for “Outlets” and “Dry outputs” tabs;
Additional information in the “Event log” details - Element ID and Hardware port;
New macros for notifications;
Rounding for virtual Math sensor;
Supervisor for logging of user sessions;
The possibility of drawing on the map;
Update DynDNS service scripts;
Generating self-signed HTTPS certificates directly on the unit;
LTE gateway mode (internet access for the internal network through the unit);
Incoming SMS forwarding and SMS commands to emails and phones. Check the SMS bot settings if you use them;
Modem state elements in "System tree": signal strength, GSM state, LTE state;
The new "resetusers.vut" tool does not affect other user entries;
New multi-level map, up to 5 levels. Warning! The old map data will be lost. The map needs to be adjusted again;
Duplicator program update (please reinstall the certificate if necessary);
Selecting a TLS version;
Freezing icons on the map;
USSD answers in a log;
A severity level for SNMP Trap notification updated MIB file;
The page of Dry contacts (if present) can be chosen as a starting page;
Daily Mail Log can be sent at the selected time;
The sampling rate for logging sensors expanded to 3 hours;
The default thresholds for temperature and humidity sensors have been changed;
Log-on media extended to 3 years;
New ON / OFF and OFF / ON icons for user-defined type of Dry inputs;
Up to 2 USB web cameras support (in separate ports only);
Up to 960x720 USB web camera resolution;
NTP server function;
SD card SDXC support up to 64GB;
SD card formatting function (FAT32);
LTE authentication support for PAP, and CHAP;
LTE connection log;
New Nginx server version 1.20.2;
Support Modbus TCP Wake-On-LAN;
WebUI update - hide LTE tab if it not supported, more icons for dry contacts, formula type for analog sensors;
SNMP settings. Check the SNMP settings if you used them, they are disabled by default.
MIB file update;
Reading a MAC address using SNMP;
Sending SMS using SNMP;
Firmware upload process;
No modem power off in case of long network loss;
Improved support for USSD message format;
Modbus TCP reading and writing elements;
Modbus RTU writing element;
IMEI code of the modem is displayed;
Dashboard trigger button;
Up to 50 unique sensors on the dashboard;
Copying logical schemes;
Copying "Math" virtual element;
Time format 12/24;
Add line break type for "Web SMS" and "HTTP request";
Media refactoring, resistance for removal without unmounting;
Improved LTE, static IP address support;
Improved CAN bus work;
Up to 30 sensors for detailed logging;
Up to 10 min period of detailed sensors polling;
Dashboard - add the minimum and maximum value of the output range for the gauge;
Email subject supports macro extension;
Start page selectable;
CAN bus statistic info;
Сameras refactoring;
Copy function for notifications, and SNMP GET elements added;
Bugs fixed:
Logical scheme with a group and notifications result in a reboot;
Special characters in passwords;
Fix double percentage (%%) for macro %9 to specify the measurement value for humidity and signal sensors;
Editing logic schemes containing ‘Modules’;
Dry contacts Initialization;
FTP backup settings;
Time setting when “Automatically synchronize time“ is disabled and “Daylight saving time“ is enabled;
Address is valid for the Routing function;
Hysteresis not saved;
Rounding for the “Expression” formula for calculating the value for Modbus sensors;
LTE connection stuck;
CAN humidity sensor limit to 100%;
Timer monthly mode;
DynDNS “could not send request“ error;
The old backup file is not loaded;
Extra comma in the email list;
The duplicator not working;
RADIUS authentication failed after HTTP update;
Reset smoke sensors in the web interface;
Sensor data updating on the map;
SMS Gate user password with symbol $;
Web interface dry inputs icons behavior;
Some minor bugs in DHCP network mode;
Order of Dry contacts inputs for VTX16 extension board;
USB camera error "Video streamer restart";
Correct display of the username of the RFID card for access control;
Loss of dashboard sensors;
SD card missing after ejection or formatting;
Log archive error;
SMS messaging encoding;
SNMP v3 settings saving;
LTE settings saving;
SNMP GET analog threshold values;
SNMP GET discrete sensor;
IP camera URL;
WebUI sound for alerts;
CAN configuration stuck;
OR logic scheme behavior;
Dialing task test;
Macro % behavior in messages;
Hanging of the Modbus ТСР sensor;
USB upgrade and settings restore;
Test mail sending;
Reset settings to default values;
Monthly and weekly timer;
The available number of virtual sensors increased;
More memory is allocated for sensors.
The firmware is not backward compatible. If you need to flash the old version, use Restore of the appliance.
Use Restore of appliance for this update from older versions 4.0.0-bxxx
File for HTTP upgrade:
File for Restore of appliance:
File for USB upgrade:
Settings recovery tools:
Read more at: USB upgrade or restore of default settings. |