LTE modem mode

LTE modem mode

Check if the modem is operational.

  1. Make sure the SIM card is inserted into the modem. Make sure you have sufficient funds on the card or a contract for an LTE connection.

  2. Make sure the external antennas are mounted onto the modem. Both "MAIN" and "AUXILIARY".

  3. Turn on the system. When the system loads, the modem will appear in the system automatically.

  4. If you inserted the SIM card while the system was already "ON", it may take up to 15 minutes for the operator to register.

  5. If the modem is installed, the panel "SMS messages" should appear in the menu panel.

  6. Check the strength of the signal. E.g. in the window below the strength of the signal is 48%.

  7. See the image below:

  1. You can test if the modem is working correctly with your SIM card. press "+" to the right of "List of SMS messages". A model window should appear.

  2. See the image below:

  1. Fill in your mobile number and a text message and press "OK".

  2. You should receive a message on this mobile phone number.

  3. See the image below:

  1. You should see a confirmation that the message has been sent.

  2. See image below:

Connecting to the Internet

From version 2.7.4, when installing an LTE modem, it becomes possible to use an LTE connection to connect to Internet services (VPN, SMTP, FTP, etc.) and access the device.

LTE settings are available in the "Preferences" menu, in the "LTE" tab.

Here are the following items available for configuration:

  • Enable LTE modem - allows you to enable or disable the LTE modem if the installed modem support it;

  • Connect at startup - working mode of LTE connection, always maintaining connection (at startup) or setting up a connection only when necessary;

  • APN - Access point name;

  • PIN - PIN code, if modem uses it;

  • Authorization type - set authorization type if needed, supported PAP, CHAP or 'none' authorization modes;

  • User name - user name for provider authentication, if needed;

  • Password - user password, if needed;

  • Enable routing for the internal network - allow devices in the internal network to use this connection like a gateway for internet access (if available);

  • Enable Watchdog - use watchdog ping to verify connection status;

  • Watchdog period - watchdog ping frequency, in seconds;

  • Watchdog timeout - if during this time there is no ping, the connection is considered to be broken, in seconds;

  • IP Address or hostname of ping destination - address to verify the LTE connection;

  • Enable logging - set this checkbox to enable the connection log. Use this only to find out the cause of a failed connection, don't keep the log enabled on all the time;

  • Save the log to disk - button for connection log downloading.

LTE modem operation mode is used as a failover connection. If the checkbox Connect at startup is clear, then the LTE connection is automatically established when there is no response (ICMP ping via the Ethernet interface) from the DNS servers specified in the "Network" settings. The established connection is terminated if at least access to one of the DNS servers is restored via the Ethernet interface. Thus, for normal failover, the DNS must be located outside the local network.

If the checkbox Connect at startup is set, then the LTE connection is established right after the modem initialization and the unit uses it as the primary connection for internet domains (like e-mail servers, etc.). VT900 unit only supports this mode of LTE connection.

Watchdog Ping can be used to restore the LTE connection. When setting a timeout, it is recommended that it be at least 3 times longer than the ping period. If during the timeout period, no successful ping passes to the specified address, the connection is considered to be broken and the modem will attempt to establish a new LTE connection.

If the device requires constant access to the Internet, then you can use the OpenVPN client. The connection to the VPN server will be maintained when connected via Ethernet or LTE (if the connection to the Internet via Ethernet is lost) and thus it ensures permanent access to the protected private network and the device’s permanent IP address (with the appropriate settings of the VPN server).



Don't forget that access to the unit by LTE also is open for SNMP. Set up passwords or disable these protocol for security purposes if using LTE access.

Connecting to the device from the Internet using LTE

If the installed SIM card supports a personal APN with a static IP address, then the unit can be accessed by this IP address directly. To obtain these SIM cards contact your mobile service provider.

You can find this LTE IP address in the Network tab when it is assigned (LTE IP address field). Or use the Determination of IP-address procedure: Network settings.

By default, a regular LTE connection does not provide an static IP address to access the device.

By default, a regular LTE connection does not provide a static IP address to access the device. You need to request GSM LTE provider to give you a static IP address on LTE connection.





MAC address

A MAC (Media Access Control) address, sometimes referred to as a hardware or physical address, is a unique, 12-character alphanumeric attribute that is used to identify individual electronic devices on a network.

This is a MAC address of the ethernet network.

Current IP address

Actual IP address of the ethernet network specified as static or assigning by the DHCP server (if DHCP is enabled).

LTE IP address

The IP address of the mobile network assigned by the telecom operator.

Your LTE IP address can be Static or Dynamic

By default, a regular LTE connection does not provide a static IP address to access the device. You need to request telecom provider to give you a static IP address on LTE connection.

A Static IP address is always Whitelisted. Whitelisted means that ports 80, 443 and others are open for entry, and you can access the device using this IP address.

A Dynamic IP address can be Whitelisted or Greylisted. Greylisted means that ports are closed by NAT provider, and you can not access the device using this IP address.

If you can access the Vutlan system’s Web Interface using this IP address, the IP is Whitelisted.

Vutlan systems may not check if the IP address is Whitelisted or Greylisted. Can not check if the IP address is Static or Dynamic. It all depends on your telecom provider and the service you ordered (e.g. your telecom contract).

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