E-mail notifications

E-mail notifications

The following queries are used for management:

addmail - create or edit an e-mail notification. Extra options are:

  • k - user session ID;
  • id - the identifier of the notification by e-mail; if the identifier is absent a new notification is created, otherwise the existing notification is edited;
  • name - the name of the notification by e-mail (transmitted in the message subject), the length is not more than 63 characters;
  • server - SMTP server, the length is not more than 127 characters;
  • port - the SMTP service port on the server;
  • ssl_active - SSL when communicating with the mail server, true or false;
  • starttls - true or false;
  • login - the name of the account on the server, the length is not more than 63 characters;
  • password - the password of the account on the server, the length is not more than 63 characters;
  • from - the address of the sender, the length is not more than 63 characters;
  • to - the address of the recipient, not more than 10 addresses with a maximum length of 63 characters each;
  • message - message text template, the length is not more than 1023 characters;
  • subject - custom subject field of e-mail message, up to 255 characters, if left blank, the field is automatically generated.

If a new element is successfully created, the response contains the element identifier, and looks like:

<error type="no error" id="601001" />

When creating a new notification (id is not specified), all the listed parameters are mandatory. When modifying, only modifiable parameters can be specified. Empty parameters are not allowed.

delmail - delete the notification by e-mail. Required parameters are:

  • k - user session ID;
  • id - the identifier of the notification by e-mail.

testmessage - send a test message, without creating a new element. Message text can use macros, a warning string is also added to the text. Required parameters are:

  • k - user session ID;
  • type - type of test notification (mail);
  • server - SMTP server, the length is not more than 127 characters;
  • port - the SMTP service port on the server;
  • ssl_active - SSL when communicating with the mail server, true or false;
  • starttls - true or false;
  • login - the name of the account on the server, the length is not more than 63 characters;
  • password - the password of the account on the server, the length is not more than 63 characters;
  • from - the address of the sender, the length is not more than 63 characters;
  • to - the address of the recipient, not more than 10 addresses with a maximum length of 63 characters each;
  • message - message text template, the length is not more than 1023 characters;
  • subject - custom subject field of e-mail message, up to 255 characters, if left blank, the field is automatically generated.

sendmail - send a e-mail message, without creating a new element. Macros are not used, the message is sent as is. Required parameters are:

  • k - user session ID;
  • name - the name of the notification (as shown in the log messages), the length is not more than 63 characters;
  • server - SMTP server, the length is not more than 127 characters;
  • port - the SMTP service port on the server;
  • ssl_active - SSL when communicating with the mail server, true or false;
  • starttls - true or false;
  • login - the name of the account on the server, the length is not more than 63 characters;
  • password - the password of the account on the server, the length is not more than 63 characters;
  • from - the address of the sender, the length is not more than 63 characters;
  • to - the address of the recipient, not more than 10 addresses with a maximum length of 63 characters each;
  • message - message text template, the length is not more than 1023 characters;
  • subject - custom subject field of e-mail message, up to 255 characters, if left blank, the field is automatically generated.

getelement - read the element. Required parameters are:

  • k - user session ID;
  • id - element ID;

The response contains information about the element:

<element id="601001" module ="2002" num="1" clas="notifier" type="mailer" name="my_mail" state="off" server="smtp.mail.com" port="465" 
ssl_active="true" starttls="false" login="myself" password="mypass333"
to="grandma@mail.kz,grandpa@mail.kz" from="myself@mail.com"
message="Logic %4:\n--\nDefinition:\n%1\nCurrent sensor
state:\n%2\n--\nSystem time: %3" subject="" />

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