Dial to phone number

Dial to phone number

The following queries are used for management:

adddial - create or edit a dial task notification. Extra options are:

  • k - user session ID;
  • id - identifier of the Dial notification; if there is no identifier, a new notification is created, otherwise the existing notification is edited;
  • name - the name of the Dial notification, the length is not more than 63 characters;
  • to_phone - the number of the recipient, maybe only 1 number;
  • timelen - the duration of the call to the number (1 to 300 seconds);
  • lteint - interrupt the LTE connection for dial call (0 - do not interrupt / 1 - interrupt).

If a new element is successfully created, the response contains the element identifier, and looks like:

<error type="no error" id="608001" />

When creating a new notification (id is not specified), all the listed parameters are mandatory. When changing, only modifiable parameters can be specified. Empty parameters are not allowed.

deldial - delete the notification. Required parameters are:

  • k - user session ID;
  • id - Dial notification ID;

testmessage - make a test dial, without creating a new element. Required parameters are:

  • k - user session ID;
  • type - type of test notification (dial);
  • to_phone - the number of the recipient, maybe only 1 number;
  • timelen - the duration of the call to the number (1 to 300 seconds);
  • lteint - interrupt the LTE connection for dial call (0 - do not interrupt / 1 - interrupt).

getelement - read the element. Required parameters are:

  • k - user session ID;
  • id - element ID.

The response contains information about the element:

<element id="608001" module="2003" num="1" clas="notifier" type="dial" name="wake up" state="off" to_phone="+85551112233" timelen="60" lteint="0" />

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