GPS Service

GPS Service

The GPS service allows to determine the coordinates of the unit, and synchronize the system time. To correctly determine the time, the Device timezone must be set in accordance with the Settings and time management.

The system must install a modem with GPS support. SIM card must be installed in the modem.

GPS control is possible if there is a "system" permission in the profile of the user performing the request.

The following values ​​of the querytype field are used for management:

getgps - get the parameters of the GPS service:

  • k - user session ID.

Response example on a query getgsm
<gps enable="1" timesync="1" state="normal" status="Data last time update: 2019.02.12 09:36:10 GMT" pos="-24.65752792 19.64911652"/>

Description of the xml nodes:

  • gps - GPS service settings and status;
    • enable - enable the GPS service (0 / 1);
    • timesync - enable system time synchronization (0 / 1);
    • state - valid GPS data available (alarm / normal);
    • status - status string;
    • pos - GPS positioning string for latitude and longitude, in degrees.

If there is no modem in the system, or does not support GPS, or while the modem is not running in the system, the answer will be:

<error type="not supported"/>

setgps - set GPS parameters, additional fields are:

  • k - user session ID;
  • enable - enable the GPS service (0 / 1);
  • timesync - enable system time synchronization (0 / 1).

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