Identifiers of monitoring objects

Identifiers of monitoring objects

Unique identifiers (ID) for elements, groups and modules are issued from special ranges and by special formulas.

The System element that reflects the state of the system has a special identifier with a fixed value of ID = 100.

The identifiers of the system modules are issued from the range 2001 to 2999. The numbers are assigned in ascending order, in the order of initialization of the modules when the system boots. After saving the configuration, the IDs are restored from the configuration file.

The group IDs are issued from the range 3001 to 3999. The numbers are assigned in ascending order, in order of creating the groups. When deleting a group, the number is released and assigned to the newly created group.

The identifiers of the elements are calculated from the class and type of the element, and represent a six-digit number, where:

element classelement typeelement number

The element class is encoded with one of the following numbers:

CodeClass description
1sensors with digital output
2sensors with analog output
3switching elements
4hardware devices: modems, readers and so on.
5virtual devices: timers, pings and so on.
6notifications: e-mail, sms and so on.

The element type is encoded according to the class:


Sensors with

digital output

Sensors with

analog output



Hardware devices



01dry contacttemperature sensorrelayiButton readertimere-mail notification
02access sensorhumidty sensoroutletIP camerapingnotification to the SNMP manager
03airflow sensorsvoltage sensorswitchUSB cameralogic schemeSMS notification
04motion sensortransducer voltage sensorlow-current low-voltage outputGSM modemtrigger, virtual switch
05vibration sensorcurrent sensor

SNMP virtual element
06smoke sensorCurrent Transformer

07leakage sensorvibration sensor

08button (не используется)energy parameter: power

09overcurrent indicationenergy parameter: frequency

other energy parameters

The element number is assigned in ascending order, in the order of initialization (if created by the system) or creation (if created by the user). When a member is deleted by the user (for those elements where this is possible), the number is freed and assigned to the newly created element of the given class and type.

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