Managing system elements

Managing system elements

Reading Elements

The read element request contains the following fields:

  • querytype - type of request: getelement - reading elements;
  • k - session identifier;
  • id - the unique identifier of the element, in the absence of an identifier, a list of all elements available to the user is displayed.

Example of a response to a query for a specific element:


Example of a response to a query for a list of all elements:

    <elementid="201001"module="2005"num="-1"clas="analog"type="temperature"name="Onboard Temperature"state="normal"value="24.40"view="0"um="°C"></element>
    <elementid="301001"module="2006"num="-1"clas="switch"type="relay"name="Analog Power"state="on"value="1"view="0"></element>

The elements in the monitoring system have the following common attributes:

  • id - unique identifier of the element;
  • module - the identifier of the module to which the element belongs;
  • num - the sequence number within the module, positive values ​​correspond to an external element available to the user (for example, a sensor on the CAN bus), negative values ​​correspond to an element inside the device (for example, a voltage supply sensor);
  • clas - describes the class of the element (analog, discrete, etc.);
  • type - describes the type of the element within the class (temperature, voltage, vibration, relay, etc.);
  • name - the name of the element;
  • state - the state of the element (norm, alarm, enabled, etc.);
  • value - a numerical value corresponding to the measured value;
  • view - it is not used now;
  • um - unit of measurement of this element;
  • descr - an auxiliary description of the element.

Possible classes and types of elements:

  • discrete - sensors with a discrete output, the following types are possible:
    • dry - dry contact (as part of the device or "VT16 / Dry contacts board", "VT32 / Dry contacts board" , etc.);
    • door - open door sensor (VT530 Access sensor);
    • airflow - airflow sensor (LCF013 Airflow sensor);
    • motion - motion sensor (VT572 PIR sensor);
    • vibration - vibration sensor (in the "VT470 / PIR, vibration and temperature" sensor, etc.);
    • smoke - smoke detector (VT560 Smoke detector);
    • water - water leakage sensor (VT590 Leak sensor, etc.);
    • overload - a sign of current overload, it is used in devices with the function of measuring the energy parameters of the load.
  • analog - sensors with analog output, the following types are possible:
    • temperature - temperature sensor (VT500 Temperature sensor, etc.);
    • humidity - the relative humidity sensor (VT510 Humidity sensor);
    • voltage - voltage sensor (VT520 AC voltage monitor, etc.);
    • fvoltage - voltage sensor converter (VT410 DC voltage monitor);
    • current - current sensor;
    • fcurrent - current sensor converter (VT420 Converter, etc.);
    • vibration - vibration sensor;
    • power - power, used in devices with the function of measuring the energy parameters of the load;
    • frequency - frequency, used in devices with the function of measuring the energy parameters of the load;
    • factor - other energy parameters, is used in devices with the function of measuring the energy parameters of the load.
  • switch - switching elements, the following types are possible:
    • relay - relay, the output of which in the device is designed in the form of contacts;
    • outlet - outlet;
    • toggle - switch;
    • strobo - low-current low-voltage output in the form of contacts.
  • devhwr - hardware devices, the following types are possible:
    • reader - iButton key reader (VT109 / iTouch reader) or RFID access card (VT107 / Proximity reader);
    • ip-cam - IP camera;
    • usb-cam - USB camera;
    • GSM modem - GSM modem.
  • devirt - virtual elements, the following types are possible:
    • logic - logic scheme;
    • timer - timer;
    • ping - ping the given IP address;
    • trigger - a virtual switch that can be included in the logic;
    • snmpget - a virtual element managed via the Internet protocol SNMP.
  • notifier - notification elements, the following types are possible:
    • mailer - the letter by e-mail;
    • sms - message to the mobile phone;
    • snmp trap - notification to the manager of the Internet protocol SNMP.

The set of states in which an element may reside depends on its class:

Status\Classdiscreteanalogswitchdevhwr (1)devirt (1)notifierDescription

the system can not determine the state of the element, under normal circumstances such an element is not available

error state of the element, under normal conditions does not occur, system error
not connected******element is not connected
low alarm
Element parameters exceed the lower alarm threshold
low warning
Element parameters are below the norm
the element is in the normal state
high warning
Element parameters above normal
high alarm
Element parameters exceed the upper alarm threshold

Element parameters above normal

the item is in alarm state

****the element is always in the active (on) state

****the element is constantly in the passive (off) state

****The element is temporarily in a state opposite to its constant state

(1) - the possible state depends on the type of device.

Sensors in the Vutlan monitoring system

Sensors with a discrete output (clas = discrete)

Possible states: not connected, normal, alarm

Range of possible values: 0, 1

Parameters (attributes):

  • hwport - hardware port (connector name on the device body), read only;
  • reset - Reset the sensor memory or turn off the power:
    • 0 - immediate reset of the sensor alarm;
    • 1..86400 - reset by the timeout, after the specified time;
    • negative value (-1) - auto reset is disabled;
  • high - the upper threshold of the sensor in % (1-200 for airflow, 1-100 for other sensors);
  • low - the lower threshold of the sensor in % (1-200 for airflow, 1-100 for other sensors);
  • reverse - the flag of the sensor output inversion (0 or 1), inverts the sensor state;
  • spec - reference information for sensor adjustment (read only);

If the element does return any one of the attribute from the specified - then the value of this attribute is not determined in the process of work and its installation does not affect the operation of the element.

Elements with a discrete output can also have other attributes.

TypeIconNameAnalog / Built-in / VT408CAN-modules (amount of sensors of this type)Notes
Dry contact
VT32 / Dry contacts board
VT440 / Dry contacts unit  (32/64)

Access sensorVT530 / Access sensor

PIR sensor
VT572 / Motion sensor

Vibration sensorVT540 / Vibration sensor

Smoke sensor
VT560 / Smoke detector
VT460 / Smoke, humidity and temperature sensor

Leakage sensor
VT590 / Spot water detector
VT591 / Water leak sensor

Sensors with analog output (clas = analog)

Possible states: not connected, low alarm, low warning, normal, high warning, high alarm

Parameters (attributes):

  • hwport - hardware port (connector name on the device body), read only;
  • vmax - maximum value for the measuring range, read only;
  • vmin - minimum value for the measuring range, read only;
  • low_alarm - the threshold of the "alarm, below normal" state (except for the "factor" type);
  • low_warning - threshold of "warning, below normal" status;
  • high_warning - "warning, above normal" status threshold;
  • high_alarm - threshold of "alarm, above normal" status;
  • at0 is the calibration coefficient in the formula at0*x+at75;
  • at75 is the calibration factor in the formula at0*x+at75;
  • expr - expression for calculating the output value (for conversion sensors);
  • um - the unit of measurement for the value measured by the sensor (if this attribute is missing, the units of measurement are calculated by the type attribute).
  • descr - description of the sensor;

If the element does not return any attribute from the specified - then the value of this attribute is not determined in the process of work and its installation does not affect the operation of the element.

Elements with an analog output can also have other attributes.

TypeIconNameAnalog / Built-in / SC408CAN-modulesNotes
Temperature sensor
VT500 / Temperature sensor
VT460 / Smoke, humidity and temperature sensor
встроенный датчик температуры на материнской плате
Humidty sensor
VT510 / Humidity sensor
VT460 / Smoke, humidity and temperature sensor

Voltage sensor
VT520 / AC voltage monitor
-встроенный датчик напряжения на материнской плате
DC voltage monitor
VT410 / DC voltage monitor
Измерительный датчик тока--распределители питания
Преобразовательный датчик тока
VT420 / Converter 4-20mA
Vibration sensorVT540 vibration sensor-
Power sensor--распределители питания
Ratio of the ratio coefficients--распределители питания
Frequency Sensor--распределители питания

Switches (clas=switch)

Possible states: not connected, on, off, pulse






VT825(2), VT855(2)

power management of the analog modules and VT408


VT604 (4), VT PDU 4PS, VT PDU 4MS

VT608 (8)

Devices (clas=devhwr)

Possible states: not connected, normal, alarm





iButton reader
IP camera
USB camera
GSM modem
GSM modem

Virtual elements (clas=devirt)

Possible states: not connected, normal, alarm

Feature: created in the system by the user





Logic scheme

Notifiers (clas=notifier)

Possible states: normal

Feature: are created in the system by the user, activated by the logic schemes





E-mail notification
snmp trap
Trap PDU

Further reading:

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