Reboot, shut down and recovery

Reboot, shut down and recovery

To perform these actions, the user must have administrative privileges.

To safely reboot the device, use the following querytype command. The device will safely shut down and reboot.

reboot - immediately restart the unit:

  • k - user session ID.

Use the following querytype command to safely shut down the device. This will shut down the device and enter standby mode. At the same time, the Error LED is constantly lit. After that, the device can be turned off from the power. If this does not happen within 5 minutes, the device will reboot and resume normal operation.

shutdown - safely stop the unit:

  • k - user session ID.

To reset the system settings to the default factory values, use the following querytype command.

recovery - restore the configuration to factory default:

  • k - user session ID;
  • param - parameter modifier, if it is not present - only the sensor configuration is reset, if this field is "all" - the entire system configuration will be completely reset.

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