Connecting dry contacts inputs & Dry inputs panel

Connecting dry contacts inputs & Dry inputs panel



Most Vutlan monitoring systems have dry contact input terminals. It allows the system to receive alarm and alert signals (take health and fault status).

You can connect the contact door sensor, window sensor, UPS, diesel generators, circuit breakers, alarm system, control panels, and other industrial equipment.

Keywords: alarm inputs, digital inputs, dry contact inputs, dry inputs, volt-free contacts, UPS monitoring, take fault status, take healthy status,


Dry contacts inputs alert alarm UPS breaker control panel signal monitoring using VT855tt unit by Vutlan.jpg

Dry inputs panel

The “Dry inputs” panel shows all dry input terminals, and dry input extension devices connected to the system. You can configure normal and reverse states, rename elements, set defined types, create groups.

It is possible to add more dry contact inputs by using VT440 / Dry contacts unit & VT32 / Dry contacts board extension CAN extension unit.

Dry contact inputs panel voltage free contacts monitoring control web interface by Vutlan.png


The inputs of the dry contact must be connected to the outputs of the relay, Opto-relay, button, or switch. It is not allowed to apply any voltage to the dry contact input.

Only a button/relay/switch is connected to the dry contact inputs.
No signals or input voltage can be applied.

Contacts can be controlled inside the "Dry Contacts / Dry Inputs" panel of the Web Interface of the monitoring unit. The initial state can be configured.



Connect the wires from the contacts to the corresponding terminals of the connector, each two contacts have a common ground. Plug the terminal into the contact socket. After connecting, configure the trigger logic in the system interface.

Vutlan monitoring systems may have different types of dry contact inputs:

a) 1 contact and 1 earth

b) 2 contacts and 1 earth

To avoid damage, do not connect the load when the monitoring unit is ON.

Dry contact settings

Included page Dry contacts settings panel

Link to the included page: Dry contacts settings panel


VT440 / Dry contacts extension unit

page linked VT440 / Dry contacts unit & VT32 / Dry contacts board extension

Frequently asked questions





What is the effective “max” distance that could be realistically supported to monitor Dry contacts?

Very long distances. Two kilometers are easily supported.




Vutlan s.r.o. (LLC)

Remote Infrastructure Monitoring and Control

43 ul.Svornosti, 821 06 Bratislava,

Slovak Republic


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