Duplicator: cloning unit settings software (deprecated)

Duplicator: cloning unit settings software (deprecated)


This tool is for versions 2.1.0 - 2.3.2 only.

Duplicator is integrated with the latest drivers in the new systems starting from VT825i and VT960i series. Please refer to this page "Duplicator program".

Cloning program settings (Duplicator)

The program is designed to clone the unit settings and units firmware updates.

Creating or selecting a network database

When you run the application, you must create or select a network database.

Create a network database

Select "New" to create a network database.
In the dialog box, specify the name and location of the database in the network file system.
Set the password and click "OK".

Retype the password to create a database network.

Select a network database

Select "Open", to use an existing network database.
In the dialog box, specify the name and location of the database in the network file system.
Set the password and click "OK".

Password setting

To change the database password, use the main menu item Configure-> Setup Password

In the dialog box, specify the new password and retype the new password. Click OK.

Creating network objects

In terms of programming, network entities are "Host" - Master units or "Group" - set of master units.
The Network Tab displays the network infrastructure.
To create objects choose the item "Configure" in the main menu, or create via the context menu of the Network Tab.

Create "Host"

To create "Host" choose item "Configure" >> Add "Host", or create via the context menu of the Network Tab.

In the dialog box, set the options: 

  • Host Name - the hostname  or its description;
  • Host Address or IPv4 - DNS or IPv4 address;
  • Host Port - port;
  • Refresh Host version - request for host information when creating / editing;
  • User Name - user name on the master module; 
  • UserPassword - user password on the master module;

Create "Group"

To create "Group" choose the item "Configure" >> Add "Host", or create via the context menu of the Network Tab.

In the dialog box, set the options::

  • Group Name;
  • Group Description;

Create a group lis in the right panel of the dialog box. For the formation of the group use the complete list of the master module (Hosts) in the network (Network) from the left panel of the manager.

Edit and delete

To edit or delete objects use the corresponding item of the Network Tab in the context menu of the object being edited.

Manage settings and firmware

In managing the settings, use the following steps:

  • Import the template settings from the file system (panel Management-> Import);
  • Download the template settings from the master unit (item "Download settings" from the host in the context menu of the object "Host");
  • export template in the file system with the editing of the exported settings (Tab Management->> Export);
  • A load of the template on the master unit or a group of master units with the editing of settings (item "Uploading settings to host" in the context menu of the Network Tab for all objects);

The settings template is defined at the startup of the program.

The composition of the settings in a template can be changed directly before exporting them or download to your device in the group Categories of settings

Attention! When downloading firmware from the active category "Network", the network settings of the master unit (including ip-address) will be installed in accordance with the contents of the template.

Upgrading of the firmware is available only to download the firmware on the master unit or a group of master units (item "Upgrading firmware to host" (s) in the context menu of the Network Tab for all objects) ;.

Also available to get information about the master unit or a group of master units (item "Get info about host (s)" in the context menu of the Network Tab for all objects).

The executing process of long operations is shown in the table (the lower part of the Management Tab).

Monitoring units management

Network entities have minimal opportunities for monitoring units management. The control is performed in the object properties, via the context menu.

In managing of the master modules following operations are available:

  • Save configuration to flash;
  • Reboot;
  • CAN bus configuration;

CAN bus sensor units have a unique identifier. Combining these sensors into a single bus (master module supports two independent buses) carried out a special procedure - configuration. Therefore, when you transfer settings between systems with the identical structure of the bus CAN (the same set of sensors and the structure of their connections) in addition to loading the settings, follow these steps:

  1. after loading the settings, save the configuration of the master module;
  2. reload monitoring unit;
  3. run CAN configurator;

Event Logs

The result of the operations is recorded in the "Logging" tab and recorded in the database network.

Event logs can be filtered by type and content, as well as export to the file system via the context menu can be done.

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