Connecting dry contact outputs & Dry outputs panel



Some Vutlan monitoring systems have optically isolated dry contact output terminals ( ). It allows the system to send alarm and alert signals.

You can send a signal to a UPS, diesel generator, circuit breaker, control panel, alarm system, and other industrial equipment.

Keywords: #voltage outputs, #alarm outputs,

Dry contacts outputs alert alarm receive UPS breaker control panel signal monitoring using VT855tt unit by Vutlan.jpg


Dry contacts outputs alert alarm receive UPS breaker control panel signal monitoring using VT855tt unit by Vutlan-02.jpg


VTx40 has x8 isolated dry contact outputs. Max possible voltage is 24V DC / and current 30 mA.

VTx40 uses an LTV817S photocoupler.

How to configure Dry contact outputs in the Web Interface

Contacts can be controlled inside the "Dry Outputs" panel. The initial state can be configured.

Dry contact panel settings

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