Access control (legacy)

Access control (legacy)

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Adding a key

Make sure you've connected an i-button or RFID reader. If not, follow the instructions at "connecting 1-Wire reader".

To add a key to the access database, go to "  " >"Access control"> press add button "  ".

A modal window will pop up:

Press "Read". You will be prompted to touch the reader with the key or RFID card to add a new user and then press "OK". Bring the card to the reader or touch the reader with the key. The new key will be registered and a dialog box will disappear. The default username (key name) can then be edited. Press "Save".

Uploading key database

If you want to upload a key database, go to "  " >> press add button "  " >> press "Upload" >> "Choose File" >> choose your *.sqlite file.

Adding a key manually

1. Enter the username and the key code of the key. Most of the time you should find the code on the key. But it is normally written in an "every two digits reverse" way. For example:

Written on the key: 00-00-00-DC-39-C6

Written in the system: C6-39-DC-00-00-00

2. If you do not have the code written on the key or RFID card, bring the key next to the reader or touch the reader with the key. Go to " " >> "Event Log" menu. Because the key has not been yet registered in the system, you find an error log message containing the key code it. This is the code you need.

3. Press "Save".

Managing keys

To edit or delete keys in the key database, click on any user (key name) in the "Access control" menu. You will get options to delete or edit the key.

If necessary, the existing key database can be saved into a file. This file can be used to create a new database on another device or to restore the old database. Go to  "Preferences" select "Access control", and select "Download users database" or "Upload users database".

Export key database

If you want to export the whole key database, go to the"  " >> press add button "  " >> press "Download" >> you will be prompted to save the file in *.sqlite format.

Reader status

When the reader is connected to the system, it has the status 'not connected', which means that no key or card is connected to it.

If you touch a reader with a key or a card that was added to its database, the reader will quickly go into the "normal" state.

When you try to contact an unused key or card, that is not in a database, the reader will quickly go into the 'alarm' state.

These states can be used in the construction of logic circuits. For example, How to use access keys.

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