Outlet management in PDU (v2.0.1 - v2.2.5)
Outlets switching in SC1108 is different from the SC8100/8110.
The functionality
Following options are available for managing outlets:
- Setting the outlet in a Default state. Outlet has the status Default state when its condition was not changed by the user or by logic.
- Manual setting
- Automatic logic setting
- Formating of a given pulse duration by user's command or by the logic
- Setting limits on the simultaneous operation of the outlets. When the equipment is powered from a limited power source (e.g. UPS) it is necessary to limit the possible overloads. PDU has the possibility to set a pause between switching on power outlets, so that if the command is given for simultaneous switching on of outlets, they would switch on one by one after a certain time.
Each 8 outlets in the PDU System tree belong to a group of Block N
Each Block module has a panel "Module properties", which has the option to delay the relais - a slider Interval (ms). Interval determines the delay between relays switching on if several relays should be switched on at the same time. The minimum delay interval is 22 ms. Minimum delay interval for simultaneous operation of outlets is 22ms.
In addition, it is possible to set a default state for all relays. For this go to panel "Module properties" -> "Outlets Setup".
Individual outlets settings are set in panel "Sensor properties":
Default state - It is possible to set an initial default state for each outlet. The outlet will switch into this state when the system is started.
Pulse duration - it is possible to set pulse duration for each outlet . The pulse duration is set in seconds. Min duration is 1sec.
Attention: Do not forget to save the settings in Flash System Menu -> Save settings to flash
Outlets nanagement
Tab "Outlets" - for switching outlets on/off through system interface
Button "Full off" is used for emergency shutdown of all outlets. When it is pressed all logics that that were set are disabled. Attention! The system will issue a warning and ask for the current password!
The current state of outlets is displayed with different icon colour. Grey - switched OFF, green - switched ON.
The socket icon shows command being sent to change the state of relay. The line under the socket icon shows command being executed. The figure below shows
Outlet-2 and Outlet- 4: have already been switched to ON state.
Outlet-3: command is sent ; relay NOT switched ON because of time delay.
To change the state of the relay, tick the appropriate state and click Apply. Outlets that were not ticked will not change their current status.
Button Set OFF will set all the relays into OFF state, press button Apply to activate this function.
Outlets can be used in the creation of logics; both in executed actions (THEN) and in conditional inputs (IF).
Input conditions (IF) are checked against the actual state of the relay.
PDUs (including SC1108) have more relay states than modules SC8100/SC8110
A complete list of states:
- On
outlet has power - Off
outlet has no power - Alarm
command has been sent to outlet but has not been executed. This can occur when the system unit has lost its communication with the outlets module and at same time the system unit has been given a command to change relay state. In Alarm state all outlets from the same module will switch its state simultaneously. For this reason it is enough to check only one outlet to control the entire module. - Not connected
The system unit has lost its communication with the outlets module. This state allows automatic and "transparent" (for the user) restoring of the normal operation