Settings and time management
Settings and time management
Article contents:
Request information about time settings
The query for information about the time settings in the system contains the following fields:
- querytype - request type: gettimeconf - information about the time settings in the system;
- k - session identifier;
Example of an answer to a request for information about the system:
<timeconf time="1428383230" gmtofs="4:00" name="LOC" dst="enable" ins="Mar" ons="Sun>=9" ats="2:00" inw="Oct" onw="Sun>=9" atw="3:00" ntp1="europe.pool.ntp.org" ntp2="" ntp_period="3600" />
Example for TZ variable system time of an answer to a request for information about the system:
<timeconf mode="timezone" time="1428383230" tzname="America/Toronto" ntp1="europe.pool.ntp.org" ntp2="" ntp_enable="1" />
Setting the time settings
Configuration of the time settings in the system contains the following fields:
- querytype - type of request: settimeconf - setting the time settings in the system;
- k - session identifier;
- noreboot - not used;
- time - current time in UTS format (Unix time stamp);
- gmtofs - time offset relative to GMT as hh:mm;
- name - a short name (3 letters);
- dst - function of automatic translation of winter and summer time (Daylight saving time), possible values:
- "enable" - enabled;
- "disable" - off
- ins - the month of daylight saving time (only for dst="enable"), in the form of a three-letter abbreviation;
- ons - the day of translation to a summer time (only for dst="enable"), possible forms of recording:
- 5 - the fifth day of the month;
- lastSun - the last Sunday of the month;
- lastMon - the last Monday of the month;
- Sun>=8 - the first Sunday after the eighth day inclusive;
- Sun<=25 - the last Sunday before the 25th day inclusive;
- ats - hour of translation to a summer time (only for dst="enable"), as hh:mm;
- inw - the month of translation to a wintertime (only for dst="enable"), possible forms of writing: see ins;
- onw - day translation to a winter time (only for dst="enable"), possible forms of recording: see ons;
- atw - the hour of translation to the winter time (only for dst="enable"), possible forms of writing: see ats;
- ntp1, ntp2 - the addresses of the primary and backup NTP servers;
- ntp_period - the period of synchronization with NTP servers in seconds.
After you set the parameters, you do not need to reboot the system. The time service is automatically rebooted and the changes take effect.
- querytype - type of request: settimeconf_tz - setting the time settings in the system using the TZ variable manner;
- k - session identifier;
- time - current time in UTS format (Unix time stamp);
- tzname - time zone name;
- ntp1, ntp2 - the addresses of the primary and backup NTP servers;
- ntp_enable - enable synchronization with NTP servers.
Installation and synchronization of time
Calls to synchronize and set the current time in the system:
- synctime - synchronization of time by NTP;
- settime - time setting. Additional fields (parameters) are:
- time - time in Unix Time Stamp format;
, multiple selections available,
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