General settings
To control general settings, the following calls (querytype field values) are used:
- getsettings - get the current settings, returns the response as:
<config> |
- dhcp_active - DHCP ("on" / "off");
- hostname - the name of the monitoring system when registering on the DHCP server;
- mac - MAC address;
- ip - current IP address;
- ip_lte - current LTE IP address, empty if no LTE connection;
- network - a subnet;
- netmask - the subnet mask;
- broadcast - broadcast address;
- gateway - gateway;
- dns1 - DNS1;
- dns2 - DNS2;
- dns3 - DNS3;
- ssl - HTTP (false) or HTTPS (true) operating mode of the web interface;
- port - the port on which the web interface is running;
- syslog_server - address of the syslog server;
- can_count - the number of CAN interfaces in the system;
- can_active - control of CAN buses ("true" / "false");
- dyndns_active - includes the DynDNS Service;
- dyndns_service - the DynDNS service ("dyndns" or "noip"), if dyndns_active="true";
- dyndns_user - account on DynDNS service, if dyndns_active="true";
- dyndns_pass - the password of the account on DynDNS service, if dyndns_active="true";
- dyndns_host - host on DynDNS service, if dyndns_active="true";
- ftp - ftp address of update uploads;
- tls_v11 - enable TLS version 1.0 and 1.1;
- tls_v12 - enable TLS version 1.2;
- tls_v13 - enable TLS version 1.3 (if supported).
- setsettings - save the settings, thus, for the changes to take effect, a reboot is required. Extra options are:
- noreboot - if the key is equal to "1", then the reboot, after the configuration of the settings, will not be performed;
- ip - IP address;
- netmask - the subnet mask;
- broadcast - broadcast address;
- gateway - gateway;
- dns1 - DNS1;
- dns2 - DNS2;
- dns3 - DNS3;
- ssl - HTTP (false) or HTTPS (true) operating mode of the web interface;
- port - the port on which the web interface is running;
- mac - MAC address (does not change);
- ftp - ftp address of update downloads;
- syslog_server - address of the syslog server;
- dhcp_active - DHCP ("on" / "off");
- hostname - the name of the monitoring system when registering on the DHCP server;
- dyndns_active - turns on the DynDNS Service;
- dyndns_service - DynDNS service ("dyndns" or "noip");
- dyndns_user - account on DynDNS service;
- dyndns_pass - password of the account on DynDNS service;
- dyndns_host - host on DynDNS service;
- can_active - control of CAN buses ("true" / "false");
- tls_v11 - enable TLS version 1.0 and 1.1;
- tls_v12 - enable TLS version 1.2;
- tls_v13 - enable TLS version 1.3 (if supported).
To force a system reboot, use the call:
- reboot - reboot of the system
To management of DynDNS settings, the following call is used, with the parameters applied without rebooting:
- setdyndns - set the settings. Additional fields (parameters) are:
- dyndns_active - includes the DynDNS Service;
- dyndns_service - DynDNS service ("dyndns" or "noip");
- dyndns_user - account on DynDNS service;
- dyndns_pass - password of the account on DynDNS service;
- dyndns_host - the host on the DynDNS service.