Virtual dew point sensor

Virtual dew point sensor

The element allows to calculate the dew point from the data of arbitrary temperature and humidity sensors.

Requests for management:

addvirtual - add a virtual sensor. Extra options are:

  • k - user session ID;
  • id - the identifier of the element; if the identifier is absent, a new element is created; otherwise the existing one is modified;
  • name - the name of the element, the length is not more than 63 characters;
  • at0 - the calibration coefficient in the formula at0*x+at75;
  • at75 - the calibration factor in the formula at0*x+at75;
  • low_alarm - threshold level for notification;
  • low_warning - threshold level for notification;
  • high_warning - threshold level for notification;
  • high_alarm - threshold level for notification;
  • virtual_type - type of virtual sensor; at the moment only one type is supported - analog dewpoint sensor "dewpoint";
  • virtual_id1 - the identifier of the temperature sensor, the values ​​of which will be used in the calculation;
  • virtual_id2 - the identifier of the humidity sensor, the values ​​of which will be used in the calculation.

If the new element is successfully created, the response is:

<error type="no error" id="211005" />

When creating a new sensor (id is not specified), some parameters are mandatory - virtual_type, virtual_id1, virtual_id2. The rest of the query parameters are optional, and if not set, they will be set to the default values.

When editing an element, you can change individual fields. Editing an element is also possible with the updateelement command.

delvirtual - remove the virtual sensor. Extra options:

  • k - user session ID;
  • id - ID of the element.

getelement - read the element. Extra options are:

  • k - the user session ID;
  • id - the ID of the item.

Information about the element looks like:

<element id="201003" index="4" module="2009" clas="analog" type="dewpoint" name="Virtual dewpoint" state="normal" hwport="99" value="12.1" vmax="110.0" vmin="-55.0" low_alarm="-31.4" low_warning="-27.9" high_warning="35.0" high_alarm="69.7" at0="1.000" at75="0.000" um="°C" virtual_id1="201009" virtual_id2="202002">
<time t="1506342326" last="1506342226" period="1">
<d v="12.116" t="1506342325"></d>
<d v="12.116" t="1506342324"></d>
<d v="12.116" t="1506342323"></d>
<time t="1506342326" last="1506336326" period="60">
<d v="12.116" t="1506342266"></d>
<d v="12.209" t="1506342206"></d>
<d v="12.209" t="1506342146"></d>
<time t="1506339739" last="1506336139" period="3600">
<d v="11.950" t="1506336139"></d>
<time t="1506336126" last="1506336126" period="86400"> </time>

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