Product page: https://vutlan.com/remote-monitoring-units/180-vt225t-room-monitoring-unit.html
Brochure: https://vutlan.com/index.php?controller=attachment&id_attachment=29125
Drivers: https://vutlan.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DRIV/pages/2912583997/
1. "USB" - micro USB-port 2.0 is needed for USB camera recording, USB Flash for system logs, and system restoration. Read instructions in "Connecting USB camera", "USB camera settings. How to save a video", "Saving system logs on USB flash drive", and "USB upgrade or restore of default settings".
10. "DRY CONTACT INPUTS 1...2" - Digital inputs (Type IN). Pitch 3.5mm, 6P. Read the instructions at "Connecting dry contacts", and "Dry contacts settings".
11. "DC 12V POWER"- 12V DC 2A main power input.
“N: Normal mode” - The switch is switched to the left ←. The switch should be always in this position.
“R: Restore of appliance” - The switch is switched to the right →. Used to load the clean system image from an SD card. Read instructions at “Restore of appliance (for VT335i, VT825i, VT855i, VT960i & VT960ii series and VT855t series)”
Connection overview diagram