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Modem is used in the system to send sms notifications and receive sms commands.

To operate with a modem:

1) insert the sim card;

2) turn on the power of the monitoring system;

3) configure the modem;

4) add sms notifications and configure the logic.

Configuring the modem..

To configure modem, use the modem settings tab (Main Menu→System tree→GSM Modem):

Image Removed

Fields characterizing the properties of the modem element in a system:


ID – modem element ID in the system;


State – the state of the modem;

  • normal – the modem is found, registered in the network;

  • alarm – sim card error, modem initialization error, no network.


Status – the status of the cellular network:

  • registered – registered in the network;

  • registered roaming – registered in the roaming network; 
  • not registered, searching - searching the network;
  • not registered, not searching – network not found;

  • registration denied – registration is prohibited;

  • found, not ready – modem is not ready to send sms messages;

  • found, ready – modem is ready to send sms messages; 

  • error text, for example: SIM not inserted..
  • Signal level – the signal level, the range of values ​​is from 0% to 100%.

Configurable parameters of the modem element in the system:

  • Name – the name of the modem element in the system;

  • Verbosity level – determines the level of messages by their importance, which are output to the log from Critical (only the most important messages) to Debug (all messages);
  • PIN code – pin-code of sim-card;

  • Phone of SMS centre – sms-center number;

  • List of allowed phone numbers – list of numbers from which sms commands are allowed. To separate numbers, use a space. Incoming sms messages from other numbers are not processed. The number must start with "+".

  • Phone number for balance – the number on which the account balance is requested on the account, the request itself is made using the Request current balance button, to see the answer, close the window and open it again.

If the sim card has a pin, you must specify this pin in the corresponding field in the configuration form.


After 3 incorrect attempts, you must remove the sim card and use the PUK code to unlock it.

The default sms-center number is read from the sim card when the modem is initialized. If necessary, this number can be changed in the corresponding field of the configuration form.

The "OK" button is used to apply the settings in the current session.


To avoid resetting the settings when the monitoring system is reset to the default state, save the current settings to flash memory. In order to save the settings to the flash memory, you must press the button " Image Removed " (in the upper right corner of the web interface).

The Reset button is used to restart and reinitialize the modem. The message queue is not cleared with Reset button! Reset should be used in extreme cases: hang modem, sim-card after installation is not detected, registration in the home network ('registration denied') is forbidden.

SMS messages

To add a sms notification recipient, first open the window AddAdd Mailer SMS:

  • Name – name of the notification. Can be arbitrary (name, position of the recipient, ...), default SMS;

  • Phone number – telephone number to which the notification has to be sent.  

  • Message – text message, can be in any language. The length of one message containing only Latin characters is 160, with national symbols 70. If the length of one message exceeds the limit, the message is divided into several parts. Also in this field you can use various macros (% 1-% 7), which insert the current values of variables into the text.

To test sms, click the Send sms button. In this case, the macros in the message text will be displayed in their original form (% ..). To apply the settings, click the Save button.

After filling in the notification parameters, you must specify the event (events) by which the sms message will be sent. To do this, open the Preferences → Logic schemes → Add window and specify the condition for sending the sms message in the logic. In one logic, it is possible to send SMS notifications to not more than 15 recipients for one or more events. If you need to send sms notifications to more than 15 recipients in the same logic, then create new logic with the same input condition.

SMS messages are sent to the queue, which allows you not to wait for the end of sending the previous message. The information about the sent messages is displayed in the monitoring system log. The capacity of the queue is 100 messages, if overflowed, the sent messages are automatically deleted.

If an error occurs while the message is being sent, the message with the status of sms send error is displayed in the log and the error number is indicated. The most likely error is 515 (Ps busy), the reasons of which may be:

  • negative balance on the sim card account.

  • low signal level;
  • wrong number of sms-center, specify the number from the mobile operator;

  • wrong format or nonexistent recipient phone number.

If these items do not fit your situation, try to restart the monitoring system. Also check the sending of messages from your mobile phone, making sure that the numbers of the sms-centers are the same.


SMS commands are used for remote management by the monitoring system. Using these commands, you can read the status and measured values ​​of the sensors, and control the relay switches (sockets). The phone numbers from which the remote control will be made must be added to the list of allowed numbers in the modem parameters editing window (Main menu → System structure → GSM modem → Permitted numbers list). In response to each sms command, an SMS response message arrives, in case of an erroneous command, sms with an error description and an example of the command comes. In one sms message there can be only one command for one element.

Sensor, relays (sockets) status reading commands.

Syntax. get [id] or get [name], where ID is the number of the element, "name" is the name of the element. The get field is not case sensitive, you can use Get, GET. The name field is case sensitive and can not contain blank characters.

Description. The command requests the status of the sensor or relay (sockets) and sends a response sms to the phone from which the command came, describing the status of the sensor.


  • “get 1034” - get information about the sensor with the number 1034;

  • ”get Analog-1” - get information about the sensor with the name Analog-1;

Commands for setting the status of the relay (sockets)..

Syntax. set [id] [state] or set [name] [state], where ID - the number of the element, "name" is the name of the element, "state" is the state to which you want to switch.  The set and state fields are not case sensitive. The name field is case sensitive. The state field takes one of the following states: on - enable, off - disable.

Description. The command will switch the relay or socket in accordance with the state parameter and send the reply sms to the phone from which the command came, about the result of the command.


  • “set 1004 on” - turn on relay number 1004;

  • ”set Relay-1 on” - turn on relay Relay-1;

  • “set 1005 off” - turn off relay number 1005;
  • “set Relay-2 off” - turn off relay Relay-1.

Команды установки импульса реле (розетки).

Syntax. set [id]  pulse {duration} или set  [name] pulse {duration}, где id – номер элемента, name – название элемента, duration – время задержки в секундах. Поле name чувствительно к регистру. Диапазон значений поля duration от 1 до 120. Поле duration необязательно указывать, применяется ранее установленное значение. 

Description. Команда два раза переключает состояние реле (розетки) на противоположное, с временной задержкой, указанной как параметр duration в секундах.


  • “set 1004 pulse 15” - подача импульса на реле c номером 1004 с задержкой 15 сек;

  • “set Relay-1 pulse 110” - подача импульса на реле c именем Relay-1 с задержкой 110 сек; 

  • "set Outlet-2 pulse" - подача импульса на розетку с именем Outlet-2 с ранее установленной задержкой. 

Команды управления логикой (логиками).

Syntaxlogic [id] [state] {duration},  logic * [state], где id – номер логики (символ '*' для всех логик), state – состояние, в которое переходит логика ("off", "on"), duration – время отключения логики в секундах. Все поля не чувствительны к регистру.

Description. Команды отключают или включают логику. Время (duration) указывается только при отключении одной логики. 


  • "logic 1 off 10" - отключение логики с номером 1 на 10 секунд;
  • "logic 1 on" - включение логики с номером 1;
  • "logic * off" - отключение всех логик на 24 часа;
  • "logic * on" - включение всех логик.
Горячая замена sim-карты (Hot Swap).

Начиная с версии прошивки системы 2.2.0 добавлена возможность замены сим-карты: не отключая питание системы можно извлечь и через некоторое время обратно вставить туже либо другую sim-карту. При извлечении sim-карты в журнале системы выдается сообщение "GSM Modem error: SIM not inserted". При отсутствии sim-карты через каждые 15 минут модем автоматически перезапускается, при этом очередь sms-сообщений сохраняется.

Отправка SMS при помощи сторонних программ, скрипта

Для отправки SMS можно использовать, например, утилиту cURL. Либо другие программы, с аналогичной функциональностью.

Для отправки СМС используйте следующую команду в консоли:

gcc -O2 -o sendsms sendsms.c


# SMS sending script for version 2.4.x and higher
cat << EOF
usage: $0 options
   -?,-h   Show this message
   -H      Hostname or IP address
   -u      User name
   -p      Password
   -P      Phone for sending
   -m      Message for sending
while getopts “hH:u:p:P:m:” OPTION
     case $OPTION in
             exit 1
if [[ -z $HOSTIP ]] || [[ -z $USERNAME ]] || [[ -z $PASSWORD ]] || [[ -z $TOPHONE ]] || [[ -z $MESSAGE ]]
     exit 1
# 1) password hash
HASH=`echo -n ${PASSWORD} | openssl dgst -sha1 | awk '{print $NF}'`
# 2) authorization
RESPONSE=`curl -s -d "querytype=auth&name=${USERNAME}&h=${HASH}" "${HOSTIP}/engine.htm"`
# 3) session key
KEY=`echo -n  ${RESPONSE} | awk -F"\"" '{print $4}'`
# 4) send SMS
 -d "querytype=send_sms_message&k=${KEY}" --data-urlencode
"to_phone=${TOPHONE}" --data-urlencode "message=${MESSAGE}"
${HOSTIP}/engine.htm > /dev/null 2>&1


The modems work in Primary mode. If the primary mode is unavailable, the modem switches to Secondary the mode of operation.


4G support

3G support

Used for:




VT335t, VT825t, VT855t




VT825i v2, VT825ii v2, VT855i v2, VT855ii v2, VT960i v3, VT960ii v3


(in development)



Lora Gateway





VT335 SVT604, VT608VT805, VT825, VT825 DC,








 VT960i v2, VT960ii v2VT825i v1, VT825ii v1, VT855i v1, VT855ii v1

Read the following articles for installation instructions:

Child pages (Children Display)