General OSDP settings


Set up the RS485 bus settings for OSDP protocol. Use the following values ​​of the querytype field:

  • getosdp - get the parameters of the RS485 bus and OSDP service.

Answer example

<osdp name="VT485R OSDP reader board" enable="1" baud="57600" />
  • name - the name of extension board for OSDP service;

  • enable - enabled/disabled flag for OSDP service;

  • baud - baud rate of RS485 bus for OSDP service, can be 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200.


  • setosdp - set the parameters of the RS485 bus and OSDP service:

    • k - user session ID;

    • enable - enabled/disabled flag for OSDP service;

    • baud - baud rate of RS485 bus for OSDP service, can be 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200.