CAN configuration panel: setting up CAN

CAN configuration panel: setting up CAN



CAN configuration panel is needed for CAN bus or busses configuration of digital CAN sensors and extension devices. The devices can be daisy-chained together using a CAN port. Each individual sensor value for each sensor or extension module can be used for triggering events in the system. All configured CAN bus sensors and their elements can be found in the “System tree” panel.

At the moment all Vutlan monitoring and control systems have x1 CAN port. VT855t is the only system that has x2 CAN ports. See Comparison chart: Master modules comparison table for CAN current bus port comparison among Vutlan systems >> “Inputs” >> “CAN port: Max number of sensors”.

Enable CAN

Inside the web interface of the system go to >> “Preferences menu” >> “Network tab” >> “Enable CAN” >> “Save” >> “Save settings to flash” (An icon in the top right corner of the web interface)


CAN bus is used for the connection of CAN sensors and CAN modules.

Before using the CAN sensor module, the CAN bus must be configured to operate with this CAN sensor module.

To configure the CAN bus go to "Main menu" >> "CAN configuration" menu.

Each station tab contains current information on the status of the node and a list of  CAN sensor modules connected to this node. 

The following operations can be carried out on the CAN bus node:




Updates the current information on the status of the node.


Launches the configuration process of the nodes for CAN sensor modules connected to it, the old configuration is lost.


Saves the list of CAN sensor modules in flash memory.


  • Restart the CAN bus node.

To delete a CAN sensor module, click on the desired module. A modal window will pop up. Press "Delete" and confirm.

To set up a CAN bus node for operation with the CAN sensor module, connect the CAN module to the CAN network and run the corresponding configuration procedure in the web interface using the command "Configure". The configuration process is displayed at the bottom of the tab and lasts approx. 2 minutes.  Detected modules will be added to the list of modules during the configuration process. After completing configuration the node returns to its normal operation. Sensors of detected CAN modules are added to the tree of elements. 

The names of the sensors are automatically set in the form {module name}{serial number}-{type of sensor} and can be edited.

If you need to remove the CAN sensor module from the configuration list use the command Delete, then use the command "Save" to apply the changes you made and restart the node using the command Restart.

Configuring VT408

Included page Configuring VT408

Additional reading

CAN devices connection

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