To update the software via USB, first upload appropriate driver from our "drivers" section.

For versions 2.4.5 and higher You need to download a file named: firmware.vut.

You can use any of 3 files:

firmware.vut - upgrade
settings.vut -settings reset
resetusers.vut - users password reset

Insert USB flash drive into the input "USB" and wait while the contents of drive will be analyzed by the device. 

For versions 2.4.4 and lower You need to download a file named:

Then copy the update file (""), the system settings file ("") or/and reset password file ("") into the root of USB-flash drive.  Do not change the file names!

Insert USB flash drive into the input "USB" and wait while the contents of drive will be analyzed by the device. 

The process of updating will be displayed on the LED on the front panel of the device.

After the system is rebooted (all the LEDs will be turned off) test the system.