If the Vutlan device has Internet access, you can send messages through special services. Vutlan monitoring unit sends a request to such a service, which in return sends an SMS to the recipients, depending on the API in the request. All the commands described for working with the service are usually described on the company's website and are unique for each such service. Vutlan provides a generic access mechanism suitable for most such services.

To create notification via "Web-to-SMS" you have to specify the following parameters:

NameThe name of the element in the system
Phone number

The telephone number of the addressee, compiled in accordance with the documentation of the Web SMS service.


Text of the message. May contain Macros. Learn more about Macros at: Macros in the notification text

Example with full info:

Logic name:\n



Logic triggered at:\n



Logic triggered by:\n

%5, %8\n

State: %6\n

Value: %7\n


Logic scheme description:\n



All sensor states on the moment when logic was triggered:\n




User login on the Web-to-SMS service

PasswordPassword for the login on the Web-to-SMS service
API string

The API command line, compiled in accordance with the documentation of the Web-to-SMS service

API command line usually may look like this: http://smscomp.org/system/send.php?login=user_500&pass=qwerty&phones=89563214458&text=simple_message.

You can use this API line as is, but it’s more convenient to replace the fields in the API line with macros, then the parameters can be set from the web interface. Then the API line will look like this (macro highlighted in red): http://smscomp.org/system/send.php?login=$LOGIN$&pass=$PASSWORD$&phones=$PHONES$&text=$MESSAGE$.

The following macros can be used in the command line:

When forming the command, these macros will be replaced with the corresponding values of the form fields and are correctly coded for sending in the http request. Parameters specified in the command directly must be presented in a coded (urlencode) form.