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Table of Contents

Request information about time settings

The query for information about the time settings in the system contains the following fields:

  • querytype - request type: gettimeconf - information about the time settings in the system;
  • k - session identifier;

Example of an answer to a request for information about the system:


Configuration of the time settings in the system contains the following fields:

  • querytype - type of request: settimeconf - setting the time settings in the system;
  • k - session identifier;
  • noreboot - not used;
  • time - current time in UTS format (Unix time stamp);
  • gmtofs - time offset relative to GMT as hh:mm;
  • name - a short name (3 letters);
  • dst - function of automatic translation of winter and summer time (Daylight saving time), possible values:
    • "enable" - enabled;
    • "disable" - off
  • ins - the month of daylight saving time (only for dst="enable"), in the form of a three-letter abbreviation;
  • ons - the day of translation to a summer time (only for dst="enable"), possible forms of recording:
    • 5 - the fifth day of the month;
    • lastSun - the last Sunday of the month;
    • lastMon - the last Monday of the month;
    • Sun>=8 - the first Sunday after the eighth day inclusive;
    • Sun<=25 - the last Sunday before the 25th day inclusive;
  • ats - hour of translation to a summer time (only for dst="enable"), as hh:mm;
  • inw - the month of translation to a wintertime (only for dst="enable"), possible forms of writing: see ins;
  • onw - daytranslation day translation to a winter time (only for dst="enable"), possible forms of recording: see ons;
  • atw - the hour of translation to the winter time (only for dst="enable"), possible forms of writing: see ats;
  • ntp1, ntp2 - the addresses of the primary and backup NTP servers;
  • ntp_period - the period of synchronization with NTP servers in seconds;


  • synctime - synchronization of time by NTP;
  • settime - time setting. Additional fields (parameters) are:
    • time - time in Unix Time Stamp format;
