enable - enabling / disabling the client;
- vpn_debug - enable openvpn debug log, if the field is absent, then debugging is not enabled;
gateway - name or address of the VPN server;
port - port of the VPN server, numeric value;
- auth_type - type of client authorization on the server, can be the following (currently only PASS_TLS is supported):
- TLS - certificates (TLS);
- PASS - password;
- PASS_TLS - password and certificates (TLS).
- user - username, can be empty;
- pass - user password, may be empty;
- ta_enable - enable authorization using TLS key;
- complzo - use LZO compression;
- watchdog_enable - enable Watchdog Ping;
- watchdog_host - ping address;
- watchdog_interval - ping interval, in seconds;
- watchdog_timeout - ping timeout, in seconds, after which the VPN will be reconnected.
- status - characterizes the current state of the client;
- connect_time - time in UnixTimeStamp format showing the moment of connection, "0" if there is no data;
- vpn_debug - enable or disabled openvpn debug log;
- ipaddr - client address in VPN network;
- enable - enabled or disabled client;
- gateway - name or address of the VPN server;
- port - port of the VPN server, numeric value;
- auth_type - type of client authorization on the server;
- user - username, can be empty;
- pass - user password, may be empty;
- ta_enable - enable authorization using TLS key;
- complzo - use LZO compression;
- file_ca - CA certificate file name, empty if no file;
- file_cert - client certificate file name, empty if no file;
- file_key - client key file name, empty if no file;
- file_ta - TLS authorization key file name, empty if no file;
- watchdog_enable - enable Watchdog Ping;
- watchdog_host - ping address;
- watchdog_interval - ping interval, in seconds;
- watchdog_timeout - ping timeout, in seconds, after which the VPN will be reconnected.
To download the debug log file, use the address "/download-vpn-log.htm".